Most of you know I moved to Utah 4 years ago. I wasn't happy about that at all.
Since moving here I have a new perspective.
We first moved to Highland, UT and the first month EVERYONE brought us cookies, brownies, cakes, pizza....and that my friends is how I fed my Freezing cold depression!! Hahahaha
My first Sunday going to church, I met this lady. upon first meeting her she sat next to me and said ¨ Hi! I am Mindy¨ When I have headaches I use peppermint oil on my head and it totally is gone. I was thinking....Uh ohhh I just found the Crazy person of our church!!
Every time I saw her she ALWAYS brought up the oils. Uggh leave me ALONE about your STINKIN OILS!!!
(no, that's not really her)
Then,..One of my sisters was complaining about her mouth hurting, and swollen. she was on her 2nd round of antibiotics and it wasn't working. I said maybe this crazy oil lady can help you, go see her.
So, we went. and within a half hour the pain was gone, and the swelling was down by half.
I was a total skeptic! I thought hmmm well that a coincidence. Then my brother called me and was in so much pain because of his back. He´s a construction driver guy so he gets tossed around all day.
I said maybe that crazy oil lady had something to help him. he couldn't even bend over to tie his shoes. he came over, she put oils on him, and BAM!!! the pain was GONE!!! it was a whole 2 minutes.
My other sisters health had been deteriorating for 2 years. she was in soooooooo much pain. she couldn't eat much, the pain was like labor pains, she thought she was dying. She had surgery to help and 2 weeks later the pain was back. I told her maybe that crazy oil lady could help her.
She met her, got her protocol and that next morning my sister called to tell me she felt AMAZING!!!
I couldn't believe the oils helped her sooooooooooo much! She was out of bed and playing with her kids for the first time in 2 years!!!
It was then a light turned on in my head!!! There must really be something to this!
I have so many friends in pain, I need to go and help them.
and that my friends, is how I too became the CRAZY OIL LADY!!!
I never thought my life would be like this, since moving to Utah I get to work for myself, I travel, I have met hundreds of new friends, and best of all I get to make a difference in soooooo many lives and THAT'S THE BEST PART!
My kids play night games in the summer with the neighborhood kids, swim in a pond, ride to the snow cone shack and do a 12 mile bike ride, boating on the lake, and have snowball fights and sledding, snowshoeing, snow camping, in the winter. I LOVE that my kids get to be kids and live in a place that is safe to play outdoors, where all the neighbors know each other in a 2 mile radius. where we all look out for one another´s kids. Where most of the kids are raised with the same values.
Wait a second....I think I see Barney Fife coming down the road!!
I get to hang out with my siblings when I am at home, and spend time with my kids ALL the time...that could be a bad thing too!
I have some of the most inspiring friends a girl could EVER ask for, AND the we BOUGHT our 1st house!! That NEVER seemed like a reality in California.
My heart and soul are so content, that I know as much as I DID NOT want to move here, our Heavenly Father knew what was in store for us.

I get to hang out with my siblings when I am in Utah, and spend time with my kids ALL the time.
I have some of the most inspiring friends a girl could EVER ask for, AND the we BOUGHT our 1st house!! That NEVER seemed like a reality in California.
My heart and soul are so content, that I know as much as I DID NOT want to move here, our Heavenly Father knew what was in store for us.
No, it hasn't always been easy. 2 family members were diagnosed with Cancer last year, and they both have beat it. Doterra made a HUGE difference in their journey of Chemo, and Radiation and now Recovery.
I am now a believer, that Faith in action really can bless your life in so much more then we could even dream of. My family stepped outside our comfort zone, and a whole new world opened up to us.
if we are willing to just trust Heavenly Father, We can have a bigger and brighter future then we could EVER imagined.